
Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Controls in Occupational Safety and Health

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Hazard control efforts:
  1. Substitution of chemicals that are harmful
  2. The process of isolation
  3. Local installation exhauster
  4. General ventilation
  5. Use of personal protective equipment
  6. Ketatarumahtanggaan company
  7. Procurement of sanitary facilities
  8. Medical examination before employment and periodically
  9. Organization of training / counseling to all employees and employers
  10. Administrative control
Control hierarchy:
  1. Elimination
  2. Substitution
  3. Control engineering
  4. Administrative control
  5. Personal protective equipment
Common Problems APD:
  1. Not all APD through laboratory testing, so it is unknown degree of protection.
  2. Uncomfortable and sometimes make the wearer difficult to work
  3. APD can create new hazards
  4. The protection provided PPE is difficult to be monitored
  5. APD maintenance obligations transferred from management to employees
  6. Effectiveness is often dependent APD "GOOD FIT" on workers
  7. Confidence in the APD will hinder the development of new control technologies.
Problems in the use of PPE:
  1. Workers do not want to use with reason;
    • Not aware / not understood
    • Heat
    • Crowded
    • Not comfortable
    • Unsightly
    • Weight
    • Interfere with the work
    • Not in accordance with the existing hazard
    • There is no doubt
    • Supervisor also did not wear
  2. Not provided by the company
    • Lack of understanding
    • Pretended not to understand
    • The reason the danger
    • Considered to be in vain (because workers do not want to wear)
  3. Procurement by the company
    • Not in accordance with the existing hazard
    • Originally bought (mainly choose the cheap)

Could it be the Prevent Accidents?

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     Accidents according Sulaksmono M (1997) is an unexpected occurrence and is not desired to disrupt the process of an activity that has been set. Accidents happen unexpectedly in the blink of an eye, and each event according to NBS Bennett (1995) there are four factors to move in a single chain, namely: environment, hazards, equipment and people. 
    Accidents can be prevented in principle and the prevention of accidents, according to NBS Bennett (1995) is the responsibility of line managers, supervisors, foreman and also the head of affairs chief. But according to M. Sulaksmono (1997) and implied by the Law no. 1 of article 10 in 1970, that responsibility in addition to the prevention of occupational accidents the company also employees (labor) and the government.
     Therefore, how to prevent accidents caused by work? This is often a question of energy audit / HSE officer to tackle a variety of hazards at work sites. Here's the opinion of some experts on the prevention of accidents:
  1. According to NBS Bennett (1995) that the accident prevention techniques should be approached in two aspects, namely:
    • Aspects of the hardware (equipment, supplies, machinery, location, etc.)
    • Aspects of the software (human and all related elements)
  2. According to Julian B. Olishifski (1985) that the accident prevention activities in occupational safety professionals can be done with the following:
    • Out (suppress) the incidence of dangerous machinery, mechanisms, materials and structure planning.
    • Provide tools so as not to endanger the safety of existing resources within the company.
    • Provide education (training) to the workforce or employee of the accident and safety.
    • Provide personal protective equipment specific to a workforce that is on the dangerous area.
  3. According Suma'mur (1996), occupational accidents can be prevented by 12 of the following:
    • Legislation, the provisions are required concerning working conditions in general, the planning, construction, care and maintenance, supervision, testing and operation of industrial equipment, the duties of employers and workers, training, medical supervision, P3K and health checks.
    • Standardization is officially established, the semi-official or unofficial about such safety requirements as per instructions of industrial equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE).
    • Supervision, so that the provisions of the Act must be obeyed.
    • The study is a technique, for example about hazardous materials, safety fence, APD testing, prevention of explosions and other equipment.
    • Medical research, particularly including the effects of physiological and pathological, environmental and technological factors and circumstances that lead to accidents.
    • Psychological research, including research on patterns of obligations that result in accidents.
    • Statistical studies, to determine the types of accidents that occur.
    • Education
    • Exercises
    • Penggairahan, another approach to being a survivor.
    • Insurance, which is financially intensive to improve the prevention of accidents
    • Safety efforts at the enterprise level.
     Based on the above description of some experts that the accident can be prevented. At its core the need to consider four factors:
    • Environment
    • Human
    • Equipment
    • Hazards (things that are harmful)

Linkage factors accident prevention

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Occupational Safety and Health Standards

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Standard is an accepted norm or standard and is approved for measuring the quantity and quality of something. Quality standards stated anything specific, but without an exact quantity.
These standards are categorized into two:
  1. Consensus-based standard, a standard is approved by a group of people, but its use is not determined by law. 
  2. Standards under the regulations, standards pemakiannya is required by the government.
In addition to the standard classification of consensus standards and standards under the regulations, there are other classifications on the basis of the others, is:
  1. Standard Specifications, is the standard that describes the physical condition.
  2. Performance standards, is the standard that determines how things work in practice or whether it should be achieved.
            Occupational Safety and Health Standards (general) made ​​"after the incident".American Society of Mechanical Engineers  for example, setting the standard Rules for Construction of Stationary Boilers and for Allowable Working pressures new in 1915. This standard has a long history of explosions that occurred after the boiler in Connecticut in 1854 and in boats on the Mississippi River in 1865. Sought "a uniform rule of construction" that changed with time until it becomes the standard. Boiler codes  have been revised and used until now.
             In the USA in the 1970 newly created  Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSHA). In a very short time (two years) must have the OSHA standards that are recognized and implemented as law. Therefore, OSHA took the standard ANSI (American National Standard Institute ) and NFPA ( National Fire Protection Association ) which has been first in many areas as the standard. ANSI was formed in 1918, when many of the professional associations feel the need to formulate industry standards (Soegiarto, _).
            In Indonesia there is SII, the Health and Safety (1957), Employment Security Law (1970), and the Association of Industrial Hygiene, Health and Safety (1973).

            ISO ( International Organization for Standardization ) is based in Geneva is an international federations of standardization bodies in ninety countries. ISO is a non governmental organization established in 1974. Given this organization of information exchange can be done easily. Members can propose a standard thing. This proposal will be discussed, evaluated, modified or not, accepted or rejected. The main results of the ISO is an international agreement which was published as international standards. Each member provides financial support for ISO operations center through a membership fee. ISO is a consensus standard.
            All the important development of ISO standards by TC or the Technical Committee (Technical Committee), eg TC 207. Any new standards are the responsibility of one of the standards bodies that are members. For example, theStandard Council of Canada (CSA) is a member of the body that holds the TC 207 secretariat, which is part of the committee which set up a committee and set the ISO 14000 environmental standard.
            Quality and environmental management standards (ISO 9000 and ISO 14000) which was created by Brirish Standard Institute (BSI) as in BS 5750 and BS 7750 is a standard sisitem the first in the world. At companies that implement ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 products and processes that have been carried out in accordance with the standards for these products. For example, a manufacturer of concrete is not useful to have a quality management standard if the concrete is not made ​​in accordance with the standards for concrete.
            A second drawback of this standard is ISO 9000 and at least in the initial draft of ISO 14000, although the set of health and safety of workers, the above standards do not demand that workers' health and safety is managed according to standards.Reasons for not uniting health and safety is that the Department of Labor has the power over the rule of law and are entitled to inspect it, while the national standards bodies associated with the Department Perisdustrian. Actually the company is interested in addressing health and safety of workers under the standard ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 does not mean that their handling of bad health and safety of workers, at least for the chemical companies that are sensitive to this issue.
            Many people / companies were struck by the lack of attention to both BS 7750 and ISO 14000 initial version of the health and safety of workers, namely the set as a voluntary thing, and also in some cases giving low priority to the process and public safety, and security products and disposal. It seems that only the chemical industry to fully consider the need to consider the health and safety processes and people.
            The chemical industry has a very good practice guidelines that can digunakn by all processing companies as a guideline or policy level. Practice guidelines is the Responsible Care Program or the  Responsible Care Programme (RCP). Federation of the European chemical industry association, Cefic, and agency members of the British, CIA ( Chemical Industry Association) , has been using the ISO 9000 and BS 7750 in order to manage the RCP in Europe. The program seems to really program of the CIA.The chemical industry of Europe, and especially in England, has also been successful in the use of ISO 9000 in order to reach quality, environment and health and safety.
            Although the chemical industry, with a very hard effort, has developed an extension of ISO 9000 (exact ISO 9001) which includes quality, environmental protection, worker health and safety and security of processes and products, but nowadays it seems this approach will not be used. There are several reasons for this utuk, the most important was the emergence of ISO 14000 and the issuance of new rules for the accreditation of certification agencies in terms of environmental standards by bodies such as the National Accreditation Council for Certification Bodies(NACCB) in the UK.
            The chemical industry is urging the international community to use a single management system that includes the generic ISO safety, health and the environment, and in accordance with the quality. The industry sees this as fulfillment of a number of requirements including the requirements of the RCP.Industry also saw the system as a system environment, health and safety, which supports the RCP, which is called Shem (Safety, Health and Environmrntal Management). Although most of the industry agrees with the chemical industry says that Shem was relevant, the architects of ISO and BSI standards have treated the issue of employee health and safety are just as willing to wipe.
            During the meeting of the technical sub committee which reports to the TC 207 on module development of environmental management standards, ISO 14000, health and safety issues revealed several times. A decision was made to invite ISO to delegate to a study of this issue other than the TC 207 committee. This decision to keep the health and safety positions remain outside the discussion of ISO 14000, at least in its early development, a position that has been established in the national environmental standards such as BS 7750.
            Can not understand the attitude of the committee on a matter of principle of this kind. These standards do not address the issue of health and safety of workers.They are explicitly recognizes that health and safety may be as a matter of choice which is managed under this standard. Now there is a separate standard that talks about health and safety, BS 7850, which can serve as a model for an ISO standard, but all in all, the attitude of the committee who drafted the environmental management standard to be dropped against this problem. It is strange if the architect of these standards are gaining a full understanding of environmental issues in operational reality, recognizing that the operational safety of the community and environmental issues are hesitant. They should automatically put the health and safety of workers into environmental issues.
            In most developed countries, health problems and salvation are required under the law and the risk is required both for companies and individuals who ignore it. In Europe they tend to put them under a separate government department with a department that handles environmental issues, such as health and safety authorities are under the Department of labor. Environmental standards can be under the control of the department of industry depends on how the work of national certification schemes. What might cause health and safety systems are handled separately is that the problem is more inspected by officers who have authority over health and safety, rather than by the officer conducting the inspection certificate of environmental management standards. Another reason may be the issuance of the health and safety issues of environmental problems is that the Rule Eco Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) European Union as well ignore it.
            This condition allows the industry to run without a tool for health and safety issues. Environmental management standards expected of a system that covers incidents, emergencies, public safety and security products. Health and safety authorities want to see a formal management system for health and safety of workers, and the system has more power in these matters, more than just having a body with an interest in environmental standards is voluntary, which have legal implications in almost every issue. All companies are implementing health and safety regulations, and also implement the system in accordance with BS 7750 or ISO 14000 will find that it is appropriate to mengimplementaikan all these issues under the environmental management standard.
With ISO 14000 to underestimate the health and safety issues, and so are the BSI to BS 8750 guidelines, we may soon find out that the generic management system standards which look for the chemical industry began with BS 9750 (Rohery, 1985).
But now the chemical industry, especially the industrial world can rejoice because the issue of ISO 18000 for security and public health work has been heard, but not yet widely disosialisasikan. However, this had been a great progress and should be thankful for, because the thus health and safety of workers more secure. 

Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health

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According to Dan Petersen (1971) that before the year 1911 about workplace safety in the industry almost tida attention. Workers are not protected by law. No accidents to workers' compensation. In the event of an accident, the company considers that the accident:
  1. Caused by the fault of labor (employees) itself.
  2. Due to a co-worker so that he (the workers) have an accident
  3. Dependents of workers, because they think the company is already felt to pay (pay) the risk of accidents to workers' dependents.
  4. Because the worker suffered neglect, resulting in an accident.
New in 1908 in New York, is the first compensation for workers who have an accident.Then after 1911, according to Dan Petersen (1971) that workers are compensated for Work Due to Illness (PAK) if caused due to heat (atmosphere) and heat in the industry should be given a protective (safety). Thus the labor force began to gain legal protection.

Lots of work accidents causing casualties, material damage and disruption of production at a company. In the world, an average of 6,000 people died as a result of workplace accidents or occupational diseases every day. A total of more than 2.2 million work-related deaths each year. Approximately 350,000 worker deaths from accidents at work and more than 1.7 million came from exposure to occupational diseases (ILO, 2005:1).

Based on data from Ministry, by 2008 there were 11 277 cases of occupational accidents in enterprises. Later in the year 2009 there were 10 034 occupational accidents in Indonesia (Ministry of Manpower, 2010). The number of occupational accidents in the company based on Social Security, reaching 70 079 cases in 2010. In 2007, there were 65 474 accidents resulting in 1451 dead, 5326 injured people. The accident data covers all firms that are members of Social Security by the number of participants of about seven million people or about 10% of all workers in Indonesia.From 2006 to 2010, the number of cases of occupational accidents occurring within the company there are as many as 347 056. As such, the number of accidents reached 940 events for each worker 100.00 per year. In fact, according to research by the World Economic Forum in 2006, the death rate from accidents in Indonesia reached 17-18 to 100,000 workers (Soehatman Ramli, 2010:1).

Safety is a primary means for the prevention of accidents, disability and death as a result of workplace accidents. labor protection usually covers a wide range of aspects of a fairly large, namely the protection of safety, health, maintenance of morale and treatment in accordance with human dignity and moral religion. Is intended that the protection of labor can safely perform the work thereby increasing productivity. 

Workforce should get protection from all sorts of problems around and to himself so as to interfere in the performance of his job. It is clear that job security is important in terms of manpower, because of that enterprise managers are required to provide support in the implementation process of media production, so employees can work comfortably and safely.

Health is defined as a specialization according sumakmur health science and its practice in order that the health of workers earn the highest possible physical, mental, social, curative to preventive measures against diseases / health problems due to work and work environment factors.
Another definition according to the Ministry of Health, 2003, occupational health is the branch of medical science that studies about the techniques, methods and harmonizing efforts between work load, work capacity and work environment.

To minimize losses, better preventive actions (preventive) rather than make repairs after an accident (incident or accident). What does that mean we work hard if we become unhealthy and wretched? Instead we work hard to make ends meet so that we become prosperous and prosperous life.