
Senin, 09 April 2012

Risk Management in Occupational Safety and Health

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Risk is something That Is Often inherent in the activity. That any activities we dodefinitely have the potential risk. People who work have a risk of being fired. businessman facing bank ruptcy as the greatest risk. The most Important thing weshould do rather than run the risk That Will Happen, but how to manage the potential risks That a rise so the opportunity That Occurred or its effect is not large. In otherwords, by knowing the level of riskis going to Happen then we will know how to Reduced Impacts. That's Thus we can control risk, so That our activities and Safely runsmoothly. Concepts Such as what is called risk management.

Objectives Occupational Safety and Health Efforts to Prevent accidents are Caused Because of a workplace hazard dil. Therefore the development of this system should be based on risk control in accordance with the nature and condition of existing hazardsEven in extreme can be said of health and safety is not required if there is no source of danger That must be managed.

The dangers and risks must be managed and prevented through the health and safety management is good. Therefore, health and safety management has a very close attachment with risk management.
According to the requirements of OHSAS 18001, an organization must Establish procedures for hazard identification, risk assessment and determining control orabbreviated "HIRARC". whole process is called risk management.

HIRARC is an essential element in the safety and health management systems directly related to That Work the prevention and control of hazards. According to OHSAS 18001, HIRARC be done in all activities of the organization to determine the activities of the organization That contains the potential hazard and a serious impact on health and safety.

The next result HIRARC be input to the preparation of objectives and target health and safety to be Achieved and will be poured in the work program. Of the existing flow,HIRARC is the starting point of the management of occupational health and safety. If not done properly HIRARC then the application of occupational health and safety will either direction, random or not being Able to handle virtual key issues exist within the organization That.

Other Such elements as training, documentation, communication, measurement,controland other records is to support or refer to the risk management program. not the other way around, where the only organization focused on supporting elements, complete with the procedures and documentation, but ignore HIRARC process, so That will stilloccur accidents.

Rabu, 04 April 2012

Safety Riding and Accident Rate Hit Efforts

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The high number of traffic accidents in Indonesia. In fact, the latest phenomenon is the occurrence of severe accidents, which cause the victim died. And ironically, similar events are not used as subjects. In fact, if all the rules adhered to, accidents such as that recently occurred could have been avoided. Because, on average during these accidents are due to human error, plus the actual condition of the vehicle was not roadworthy.

There are so many cases of accidents caused due to a lack of knowledge of traffic and discipline or ethics in driving such as speeding or reckless on the road. In addition, impaired concentration due to fatigue, the use of mobile phones or earphones, as well as alcohol and illicit drugs as well be the biggest proponent of the birth of an accident.

On the other hand, many also seen public transport is not roadworthy. In fact, not infrequently encountered on public transport using retread tires or parts cannibalization by pressing reasons of operational costs.
The factors above is actually a deliberate action that can be avoided to prevent accidents. Therefore, awareness for safe driving (riding safety) must be done every rider, whether private or public. For example, avoid speeding, not driving while sleepy, or not to use mobile phones and earphones while driving.

As of the Police, step-rare antipatif has actually continued to be encouraged. In addition to regulation and enforcement on the ground, prevention of accidents continue to be developed early in the Directorate of Traffic Police under the leadership of Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Dwi Sgit Nurmantyas, SH, M. Hum.
SIM Satpas All Rights for example. In the effort to reduce the number of accidents, driver's license Satpas All Rights Tutoring Program has been launched on the applicant's knowledge of traffic for SIM. That way, the rider who has got the SIM actually have good skills and knowledge to drive.

"Theory Exam Tutoring Program aims to license people who have a driver's license really understand traffic rules and have good skills in driving a motor vehicle. In addition, this program will also be an excellent learning process for license applicants who fail, in order to understand well the driving techniques and understand the traffic rules, "said Kasi SIM All Rights Commissioner M. Arsal Sahban, SH, SIK, MH, MM.
Further, cooperating with the Department of Education, Directorate So PMJ matter knowledge of traffic entering the school curriculum. In addition, other efforts in instilling discipline is to hold a traffic safety campaign in the school environment continuously.

"We held a socialization of safety in the school environment on a regular basis, until the young generation understand the importance of traffic rules and safety in driving. They eventually will be a traffic offender as well, for the orderly traffic should we plant from now on. That way, traffic discipline will be achieved, "said Kasi Dikmas Jakarta Police Commissioner Benjamin Suzana, SH.

However, these programs will not achieve maximum results when no intervention from the public. Therefore, the main factor in driving safety is a discipline in road traffic. Therefore, let us prioritize safety in driving (safety riding)!